Pit Bull Attack

Another vicious pit bull attack, according to Detriot police. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Pit Bulls are the number one breed for dog bites and dog attacks. We need to be vigilant if we are with the elderly or the very young in the presence of Pit Bulls.  In this case, a four year old boy was the victim of this pit bull attack. The boy was taken away from the mother by the dogs.

Read More About the Pit Bull attack…

Pit bulls are not necessarily considered bad dogs. Many of these dogs are loyal protectors and do not attack people. The problem is that dogs with the size and power like Pitbulls, injuries can be severe. Pit bulls and other dogs like Rottweilers, Akitas, German Shepherds, and Doberman Pinschers have the potential to do great harm. Some people claim that natural DNA and/or inbreeding has made many of these dog breeds prone to attack. Others say that it is irresponsible owners that do not raise and handle their dogs properly that are responsible.

A Pit Bull Attack, Or Any Dog Attack Is Unacceptable!

Some pit bull attacks can be situations where a small child was left unsupervised with the animal, and the parents may, or may not, be deemed negligence. Pit bull attacks are not acceptable and the injured is due compensation. Small children should always be supervised, whether in the presence of a pit bull, or otherwise. Regardless of the exact fault, the truth is that a pit bull attack can result in severe injury, or  death. There have been too many cases of pit bull attacks, and attacks by other dog breeds causing injury, maiming or death.

The legal complexity of a dog attack injury claim in Virginia is best handled by a specialized Virginia injury lawyer.  Give our Norfolk injury attorney a call for a free legal consultation. When involved in a dog attack, you need to talk to an injury lawyer before you talk to the insurance company. Involved in a pit bull attack, or other dog attack in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Hampton, Suffolk, Eastern Shore, or anywhere in Virginia and sustained severe injuries? Call Attorney Lawrence K. Land, experienced injury lawyer in Virginia for free legal advice. Call us anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We want to help you get the compensation you deserve for your dog bite injuries and suffering. Call Attorney Land and get results!