Stop Texting While Driving

We all have to stop texting while driving and stop others from texting while driving. It is all about driving awareness. Too many people die every year because drivers aren’t putting down their phones. So, Nissan has started what is being called the Red Thumb movement. The goal of the Red Thumb movement is to raise awareness about texting and driving and the dangers that come along with such a distraction.

The idea behind the Red Thumb movement is to wear a red band around your thumb, tie a red ribbon around or thumb, paint your thumbnail red, or something similar, to remind yourself to put down the phone while you are driving.

The Red Thumb movement was first created by Steve Babcock, an executive creative director for Evolution Bureau. Babcock’s inspiration came from his daughter who has a habit of tying a piece of yarn around her finger to remind her of something. Babcock painted his thumbnail red to remind himself to put down his phone while driving. He said it actually works!

Help spread awareness by joining Nissan’s Red Thumb movement today. Encourage others to make the pledge as well! #REDTHUMB